Tag: Shy Bladder

Paruresis a Disorder that has Found Remedy via Synthetic Urine

Paruresis a Disorder that has Found Remedy via Synthetic Urine

Being scared of needles used by medical practitioners is common; what’s unheard of are people whose anxiety over urinalysis, bar them from taking such tests. This type of anxiety actually has a scientific name, paruresis or what others refers to as “shy bladder,” a problem that they have cost many people opportunities for employment; or chances of moving high up in the ladders of success — only because they are unable to take a proper urine test.

Nevertheless, while the disorder, which apparently is medical, has no other solution but psychiatric consultations, the inability to undergo urine tests can be remedied with the use of synthetic urine. This product is legal since there’s a good reason why some people use it although not good for the entities requiring such tests as conditions for employment, inclusion or membership.

Many years of service in careers went down the drain after their paruresis prevented them from producing urine samples at various sample collecting facilities. Inasmuch as they can explain the failure as a disorder known as shy bladder or also paruresis, many began to find back against the penalties. After all, there are other forms of drug testing other than by way of urinalysis.

Still, there’s no need to fight the system because one can simply replace a sample with a pseudo urine. Just make sure that the product is of high quality, recommended by others as the best synthetic urine on the market.

Scientific Explanation on Why People Have Paruresis

Individuals who suffer from shy bladder, tend to experience a tightening of sphincter muscles, the body part that controls the flow of urine. As a result the passages lock up and makes the process of passing urine impossible. Having this condition doesn’t mean their urinary system is weak. It is actually a social anxiety disorder and it can happen anywhere, at a friend’s house, in public bathrooms, or even at home.

Shy bladder has actually been around for a long time and has been afflicting as many as 20 million Americans, of which 90%. In having this condition, forcing one’s self to urinate can have detrimental stress effects on a sufferer’s health.

How has Synthetic Urine Helped People with Shy Bladder

Paruresis is undoubtedly a problem for many individuals as it limits opportunities. Take the case of people wo have been prescribed with a controlled substance as medication, which even if explained as such will have adverse results.

Aspiring athletes with this condition can encounter this problem as urine tests is required to make sure they don’t use substances like performance-enhancing drugs. While no athlete will admit to using synthetic urine tests to pass drug screenings, the best synthetic urine on the market has reached a popularity that denotes the product has been proven effective.
