How Medicinal Mushrooms Can Help

How Medicinal Mushrooms Can Help

Medicinal mushrooms such as Reishi, Fu Ling or Cordyceps Sinensis have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for around 5,000 years. Some are supposed to strengthen the immune system and other types of mushrooms lower blood sugar. Clinical studies on the effectiveness and risks of medicinal mushrooms have not yet been carried out in Europe. But alternative practitioners report good experiences with medicinal mushrooms from

Medicinal mushrooms as broth and powder

According to the teachings, the old formulations of Chinese medicine are put together individually for each patient. Medicinal mushrooms are used, for example, as a decoction. This is a decoction of vegetable, mineral or animal substrates that are supposed to improve general well-being. In addition to gastrointestinal problems, breathing difficulties and allergies can also be resolved with medicinal mushrooms. With the ready-made mushroom powders, it is important that the active ingredient content is correct and that the mushrooms are not contaminated with toxic heavy metals such as cadmium or mercury. Therefore, consumers should only obtain the products from trustworthy sources.

Medicinal mushrooms in cancer therapy

Many doctors are skeptical about medicinal mushrooms. However, some doctors use mushrooms as a supplement to conventional medical therapy, for example, when cancer patients cannot tolerate chemotherapy. Natural healing methods such as the use of medicinal mushrooms are ideally used between therapy cycles or after the therapy in order to stabilize the body without weakening the effect of chemotherapy against the tumor.

Cordycepin from mushrooms kills cancer cells

In order to be able to use the healing power of mushrooms more specifically against tumors, scientists are currently trying to isolate the active ingredients of the mushrooms. They mainly rely on the mushrooms Reishi, Fu Ling and Cordyceps Sinensis. In particular, the active ingredient cordycepin from the Chinese caterpillar fungus Cordyceps Sinensis can kill tumor cells, at least in the test tube. There, cordycepin works particularly well on leukemia, breast cancer and prostate cancer cells by destroying their cell skeleton. The isolated active ingredients are not yet available. The healing power of the mushrooms has to be researched further. This also applies to the fundamental question of whether the results from the cell cultures can be transferred to humans.

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