Tag: Cancer Growth

Have Awareness of the Most Common Signs and Symptoms of Cancer

Have Awareness of the Most Common Signs and Symptoms of Cancer

Most types of cancer are not painful during the early stages of affliction but are manifested by way of signs and symptoms that require medical attention.

Having annual physical checkups with a health clinic allows for early detection, which in turn allows for early treatment if the tumor is benign; or removal if the tumor is malignant, to prevent the disease from growing and spreading throughout the body.
Where a health clinic is not equipped to treat cancer, the attending physician will recommend further tests and screenings, and refer the patient to the proper medical professional who will recommend the appropriate treatment and procedure.

What Causes the Development of Cancer

Cancer is a disease that changes the way genes control the way cells function when they grow and divide. There are two types of tumors: cancerous and benign. The cancerous or malignant tumors grow and spread through different parts of the body. Benign tumors, on the other han, al grows but will not spread.

Cancer that isn’t treated or removed continues to grow, which will lead to more genetic changes.

Signs and Symptoms Indicating Genetic Changes that Could Lead to Cancer

Depending on how much and how big the size of the cancer affecting a person, and where it’s located, the signs and symptoms of the disease also varies. When the cancer has already metastasized, the symptoms will likely appear in various parts of the body.
Once the cancer grows enough to push blood vessels, nerves, and nearby organs, it cause the emergence of various symptoms . Extreme fatigue, weight loss and fever are the most common symptoms as the cancer cells take up most of the body’s energy supply.

In some instances, the cancer lets off some kind of substance that can affect the body’s way of generating energy. Not only that, it can also prompt the immune system to trigger reactions that will bring about other symptoms or signs, such as:

  • Unexplained weight gain of more than 10 pounds;
  • Lumps and swelling appearing in some parts of the body, like the breasts;
  • Skin changes in a mole or the appearance of new one, a sore that does not heal, a yellowish color to the eyes or skin, or a lump that bleeds or has turned scaly;
  • Eating problems involving loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing or belly pain;
  • Bruising or bleeding for unknown reason;
  • Persistent cough or hoarseness that does not go away
  • Constipation, diarrhea or any persistent changes in bowel habits, or stools that look unusual;
  • Hearing or vision problems and;
  • Bladder changes such as blood in urine, pain when peeing, or the need to pee less or more often.

Let a medical professional examine such noticeable changes before they affect how your body works or feel, and not wait for them to get worse over time. A doctor can determine if the symptoms are cancer-related, analyze what’s happening to your body and prescribe the basic medication,

If it is cancer, early treatments will increase the potential success of winning the battle against the disease .
