Learn How To Fix Knock Knees
Knock knees is the common term for a condition in which a person’s knees touch each other when he is lying down. However, the distance between the ankles is large. The medical term is genus valgum. Many children have been kneeling since toddlerhood. Up to three-quarters of children between the ages of three and five have the condition and this usually corrects by the age of about seven. If it does not improve after the age of 7, they might need surgery if the condition is severe. This is one of the ways on how to fix knock knees.
Approaches on how to fix knock knees
Determine if the person has, in fact, had a knee injury
The signs, apart from the knee-ankle relationship, are difficulty walking, a strange gait or both. The most qualified person to diagnose the condition is, of course, a doctor who specializes in bone disfigurements.
Consider the person’s age and listen to your doctor’s recommendations. For a small child, the doctor is likely to tell you to just wait and see if the condition itself is corrected. He almost always does.
How to fix knock knees: Make sure your baby is not vitamin D deficient
Vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets, which is a childhood disease that can lead to knee pain. Also make sure that your child is not overweight as this will aggravate the condition.
Fix knock knees through brace foot
Consider using a brace foot at night on the baby if the condition persists. The night collar is attached to a shoe and works by pulling the knee up into an upright position. Another alternative is to use orthopedic shoes with a heel lift and possibly a spring support.
Fix knock knees through surgery
Consider corrective surgery if the child is still on his knees at the age of 10. The best time to have the operation for girls is at the age of 10, and for boys it is the age of 11. It is not easy to correct the condition later in life.
Look into total knee replacement if you are an adult with sticks knees that keep bothering you. This is the only way to fix them all the time. Otherwise, you will need to use braces as a remedy.