Health Benefits of Oranges

Health Benefits of Oranges

Who does not know orange fruit? I’m sure all of you already know just like what orange is. The fruit that has a sour taste can be found anywhere in the whole of world. We can even get it in every season without having to wait around for certain seasons. This is because the fruit can be chosen in each season.

Orange fruits are often made in juice beverages. The fruit is famous because of its vitamin C content, but not just delicious to eat but also good to serve as drinks too. If you go to the ice juice shops then there has to be orange juice supplied. However, except vitamin C there are still lots of contents of orange fruit that are extremely good for health. Here are some of the contents of orange and their benefits:

Vitamin C

An orange fruit can meet up to 110% of Vitamin C that the body needs. Free radicals in the intestines may cause DNA damage and increasing the risk of colon cancer. By reducing free radicals, the cancer risk can be lowered. Among the additional benefits of vitamin C is as the immune system. Preventing flu and ear infections.


Antioxidants that are contained in crimson fruit are helpful for protecting skin, keep skin youthful. Free radicals which attached to the skin may cause harm that ended in the development of wrinkles. By eating an orange daily can shield skin cells from free radicals attack consequently skin rejuvenation is maintained.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is quite beneficial to assist the creation of hemoglobin. The content of magnesium in the vitamin can also be beneficial to maintain blood pressure stayed normal.


Beta-cryptoxanthin is useful to reduce the risk of lung cancer. Beta-cryptoxanthin can be obtained from many fruits, including corn, orange and pumpkin.

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